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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Jumat, 21 Juni 2013

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Politeknik NSC: Penerimaan Tenaga Asisten Dosen dan Dosen Tetap No...

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Politeknik NSC: Penerimaan Tenaga Asisten Dosen dan Dosen Tetap No...:   Berdasarkan rencana kebutuhan tenaga Asisten Dosen dan Dosen maka, Universitas Brawijaya akan melaksanakan penerimaan Tenaga Asisten...

Kamis, 20 Juni 2013

Pengumuman Penerimaan Dosen Institut Keislaman Hasyim Ansy’ari Jombang TA 2013 – 2014

Dalam rangka persiapan perubahan Institut Keislaman Hasyim Asy’ari (IKAHA) menjadi Universitas Hasyim Asy’ari (UNHASY), dibutuhkan Tenaga Dosen Tetap dengan kualifikasi pendidikan bidang:
  1. Magister Teknik Elektro : 6 orang
  2. Magister Teknik Mesin : 6 orang
  3. Magister Teknik Industri : 6 orang
  4. Magister Teknik Sipil : 6 orang
  5. Magister Teknik Informatika : 6 orang
  6. Magister Sistem Informasi : 6 orang
  7. Magister Manajemen Informatika : 6 orang
  8. Magister Manajemen : 6 orang
  9. Magister Akuntansi : 6 orang
  10. Magister Ekonomi Islam : 6 orang
  11. Magister Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar : 6 orang
  12. Magister Pendidikan/Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia : 6 orang
  13. Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris : ;6 orang
  14. Magister Pendidikan/IPA : 6 orang
  15. Magister Pendidikan/Matematika : 6 orang
  16. Magister Seni/Seni Budaya : 2 orang
  17. Magister Psikologi/Psikologi Pendidikan : 2 orang
  18. Magister Kurikulum : 2 orang
  19. Magister Pendidikan Dasar : 2 orang

Syarat-Syarat Dosen :
  • Usia maksimal 50 tahun
  • IPK min 3,0
  • Kualifikasi Pendidikan Minimal S2
  • S1 yang sedang studi S2 dengan melampirkan surat keterangan sedang studi dari Direktur PPs
  • S1 yang sanggup melanjutkan studi ke S2 dengan surat pernyataan sanggup studi lanjut
  • Bukan PNS, Bukan Dosen PTS yang sudah memiliki NIDN
  • Melampirkan Curriculum Vitae
  • Melampirkan Fotocopy Ijasah S1/S2/S3 dilegalisir
  • Melampirkan Fotocopy Transkip Nilai dilegalisir
  • Melampirkan Fotocopy KTP
Pengajuan Lamaran
Lamaran dikirim ke :
Rektor IKAHA di Jalan Irian Jaya 55 Tebuireng Jombang
  • Lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 25 Juni 2013

Status Symbol, Alasan Konsumen Indonesia Mengganti Produk Home Appliances

Riset internal yang digelar Samsung Indonesia di sejumlah kota besar di Tanah Air, menunjukkan bahwa saat ini konsumen menjadikan perangkat rumah tangga sebagai status simbol seseorang. Itu artinya, tak beda dengan produk-produk fashion, karakter market Indonesia terhadap pembelian produk-produk rumah tangga sudah bergeser, dari benefit fungsional menuju benefit emosional. Hal ini sejalan dengan pertumbuhan pasar premium untuk home appliances.

Yang menarik, produk-produk rumah tangga yang selama ini ditaruh di dapur atau kamar mandi, saat ini sudah naik kelas, dengan dipamerkan di ruang makan maupun di ruang keluarga. Harapannya, mereka dapat “memamerkan” perangkat rumah tangga mewah mereka kepada tamu yang berkunjung. Tak mengherankan, jika produk kulkas pintu dua, side by side, maupun multidoor yang sekarang ini ditawarkan merek-merek Jepang, Korea, Eropa, maupun Cina, kerapkali menawarkan bentuk, desain, dan warna-warni berkesan mewah.

Mari kita tengok riset internal Samsung Indonesia terhadap 603 responden dari beberapa kota besar di Indonesia. Melalui riset tersebut, ada 48,9% yang memilih meletakkan kulkas dua pintu mereka di dapur, 25% memilih meletakkan kulkas side by side di dapur, dan 30,6% meletakkan kulkas multidoor (lebih dari dua pintu) di dapur.

Di main dining area, ada 10,8% responden memilih meletakkan kulkas dua pintu, 2,8% untuk kulkas side by side, dan 8,3% untuk kulkas multidoor. Sementara di main living area, ada 26,7% responden memilih memajang kulkas dua pintu mereka, 38,9% untuk kulkas side by side, dan 52,8% untuk kulkas mutlidoor. Data tersebut menunjukkan bahwa area main living room semakin diminati responden untuk memajang perangkat rumah tangga mewah mereka.

Seksinya pasar premium untuk perabot rumah tangga ini, diprediksi GFK masih akan terus berlangsung. Di tahun 2013 ini, GFK memprediksi pertumbuhan 32,3% untuk kategori mesin cuci top loading dan 42,5% untuk mesin cuci front loading. Sementara itu, untuk kulkas dua pintu, diperkirakan akan tumbuh 33,8% dan 0,3% untuk kulkas side by side. Adapun pasar AC, diperkirakan masih akan bertumbuh hingga 20,2%.

Bagaimana dengan tren consumer needs untuk perabot rumah tangga? Dijelaskan Reza Varindra, Product Marketing Head Home Appliances Samsung Indonesia, untuk produk mesin cuci, konsumen Indonesia membutuhkan produk yang mampu memelihara cucian dengan beragam jenis fashion, alias tidak merusak jenis pakaian yang dicuci. Selain itu, konsumen juga membutuhkan mesin cuci berkapasitas besar, yang mampu mencuci dalam jumlah besar, serta produk yang eco-friendly—yang hemat energi dan ramah lingkungan.
Serupa dengan mesin cuci, tren kebutuhan konsumen akan produk kulkas pun bermuara pada produk-produk yang eco-friendly, produk yang mengedepankan pola atau gaya hidup sehat, serta produk multifungsi yang hemat tempat. Untuk produk AC, tren konsumen memperlihatkan kebutuhan akan produk-produk yang mengedepankan cooling performance, energy saving, tahan lama, dan mudah digunakan.

sumber : mix magazine

Rabu, 19 Juni 2013

Pentingnya Analisis Macro-Environment dalam Pemasaran Digital

Dalam merencanakan strategi pemasaran digital atau internet marketing, pelaku pemasaran haruslah melakukan analisis macro-environment terlebih dahulu.

Macro-environment adalah faktor-faktor eksternal yang mempengaruhi bisnis atau perusahaan. Pada artikel ini, akan dibahas secara spesifik beberapa elemen macro-environment yang mempengaruhi strategi pemasaran digital suatu perusahaan.

Ada tiga faktor kunci dalam lingkungan makro internet marketing, yaitu faktor ekonomi, faktor hukum atau legal, serta faktor sosial.

Faktor ekonomi terkait erat dengan daya beli masyarakat. Saat ini, di Indonesia dan beberapa negara berkembang lain khususnya, terjadi fenomena emerging middle class yang membuat purchasing power dari masyarakat meningkat. Masyarakat pun memiliki disposable income lebih tinggi yang membuat konsumsi mereka terhadap mobile gadget meningkat. Dengan peningkatan penggunaan mobile gadget ini, jumlah konsumen yang memiliki akses internet juga meningkat, sehingga konsumen menjadi lebih reachable. Pelaku pemasaran tentunya dapat memanfaatkan fenomena yang berkembang ini untuk memaksimalkan dominasi arus informasi melalui mobile marketing.

Elemen lingkungan makro yang kedua adalah faktor hukum atau legal. Setiap negara memiliki regulasi tersendiri yang mengatur tentang penggunaan internet. Contohnya, China yang menganut idealisme komunis memblokir penggunaan YouTube dan  beberapa situs lain termasuk layanan search engine Google. Dalam menyasar konsumen di China, tentunya pemasar harus mempertimbangkan adanya regulasi ini. Selain itu, hukum mengenai Hak Kekayaan Intelektual juga merupakan salah satu regulasi penting yang berkaitan erat dengan internet marketing. Dalam membuat ataupun mengambil konten, perusahaan tidak boleh melupakan adanya hak-hak kekayaaan intelektual terhadap tulisan ataupun gambar, sehingga tidak menimbulkan masalah dalam jangka panjang.

Faktor penting terakhir adalah faktor sosial, yang berkaitan erat dengan budaya masyarakat. Salah satu budaya unik dari masyarakat Indonesia adalah budaya “nongkrong”. Orang Indonesia sangat senang berkelompok dan membentuk komunitas. Tentunya, hal ini mempermudah aplikasi viral marketing yang sangat efektif untuk menyebarkan informasi. Tidak hanya pada pemasaran offline, pada pemasaran melalui internet pun pelaku pemasaran dapat memanfaatkan komunitas-komunitas ini. Community-based approach adalah strategi pemasaran digital yang efektif untuk menciptakan word-of-mouth melalui pemasaran viral.
Selain tiga faktor di atas, beberapa faktor macro-environment yang lain adalah faktor politik, faktor teknologi, dan faktor lingkungan dari macro-environment itu sendiri. Dengan melakukan analisis macro-environment sebelum menyusun strategi, pemasar akan memiliki insight yang lebih dalam tentang situasi pasar yang akan dimasukinya.
sumber :Raisa Nabila

Selasa, 18 Juni 2013

Social Media Tips for Image Success

Social Media Tips for Image Success

image success

Tying the Knot with Visuals

Images add that much needed zing to your text. Subject specific photos accompanied by fast paced text makes the messages move faster across several channels. Trash the readability woes of your clients by clearing off the content clutter.
Place the perfect blend of words and visuals into a trendy look and witness its reflection on the soaring sales of your products and services.

Your Business in Pictures

Tell the world what you do by garnishing your rich content with just the right photos. Try to have an interactive illustration or a pictorial layout through which you can pamper your clients with surprises and offers.
The pictures should be able to reflect the current scenario of your business: A sharp rise in sales can either have a graphic view or a couple of nice doodles.
Similarly, a new product launch can have images portraying the concept behind the new endeavor. You can celebrate the company’s birthday with visual surprises for your clients and customers.

Admiring a Montage of Your Work

Have you have picked a cluster of images but you’re in a fix as to selecting the most pertinent one to accompany your message? In this case, preparing a collage of high resolution pictures is the most suitable solution.
You can convey the different layers of a campaign through a photographic collage for image success.

Sharing Photos with the World

Connecting with your customer base is just a share button away. Social media platforms like Instagram, Pinterest and tools like Picasa enhance the reach of different products and services of your company through awesome photo sharing tools.
Create a platform where your customers can flaunt their photography skills and share images related to your business. These concepts go a long way in sowing the “you” seed in the minds of customers.
If this endeavor clicks, then they will start identifying your product with a necessity and not as an option.

Facebook Photos, a Perfect Branding Strategy

Photographs uploaded on Facebook, Google+, Digg and Tumblr weave wonders for your business. You will be amazed to see the high level of user engagement of major global brands across different social media platforms.
Some interesting Facebook trivia revealed that an image has greater potential in converting “Likes” into business more than links. The more photos, the more longevity of your brand.

Image is Mightier than Words

The logistics of a new service or product needs to be explained. Are you planning to burn the midnight oil in creating cerebral content? If so, just drop this idea and turn to visuals. If you are able to arrange pertinent images or illustrations in a simple and lucid manner, then you will surely get a thumping response from users.
Extend charts and illustrations to disseminate statistics based information to your users for image success. It becomes easy for them to understand the seemingly hard facts of your well toned business.

Visual Display of Your Grade

Testimonials carrying an image make a good impression, more so than slides. Similarly, a review of your product made by a user along with a photo can act as a great marketing tool for image success.
Once you have gathered a number of reviews and testimonials, you can share them on social media to seek a large following.

Show it with Words

Add variety to how your posts look by treating an image with typography. It is a fascinating art where a specific arrangement of words makes up a great image.
Say, you are trying to revive the USP (Unique Selling Proposition) of your brand. You can simply invoke your creativity by using a popular image of your brand with beautifully carved words for image success.

Achievements: Say Cheese!

Show off proud moments to the world with pictures and captions. Award winning products, appraisals from clients and hitting the bull’s eye in the sales of a particular product can all be archived in pictorial albums and used as a strong branding tool.

New users will get a perfect picture of your accomplishments.

Zoom in on Your #1 Quality

Explaining the superior quality of your products through crystal clear visuals is always a good idea to attain image success. You cannot accomplish this with words. The perfect close up of a product with some brief text will help your users embrace it.
They are getting a detailed view of how the item actually looks so the message conveyed is extremely transparent.
Begin to apply the tips above and you will begin to experience image success on your favorite social media platforms.  After all, it is said that a picture is worth a thousand words – speak less and show more.
Sucess Photo via Shutterstock

Jumat, 14 Juni 2013

6 Cara Mengukur Share of Voice Merek di Twitter

Share of voice merupakan salah satu pengukuran paling umum yang digunakan untuk mengukur kinerja media sosial. Tapi apakah Anda benar-benar mendapat gambaran yang lengkap? Karena pengukurannya lebih dari sekadar menyebutkan merek.
Ada cara untuk mengukur share of voice di luar penyebutan merek. Tidak hanya seberapa banyak share of voice yang Anda miliki, namun bagaimana dampak percakapan merek terhadap pesaing Anda.
Dengan menggunakan data dari laporan Simply Measured’s, kita akan mengetahui bukan hanya bagaimana kita bisa mendapatkan pengukuran yang melampaui penyebutan merek, namun juga seberapa besar dampak share of voice terhadap persepsi merek, pasar regional, lalu lintas situs, dan banyak lagi.
Mengukur keyword share of voice
Mengukur share of voice merek Anda terhadap kata kunci yang spesifik dapat menjelaskan bagaimana pengguna mendiskusikan merek Anda dibanding pesaing.
Hal itu tentu tergantung pada kata kunci yang dibandingkan. Anda juga bisa mendapatkan insight yang berkaitan dengan kategori produk atau atribut merek tertentu.
Data ini akan sangat berguna untuk mengukur kinerja yang bertujuan untuk membangun kesadaran produk atau pergeseran persepsi terhadap merek Anda.
Segmen share of voice menurut lokasi
Share of voice menurut lokasi dapat menunjukkan pasar regional yang paling memiliki kesadaran merek dan terlibat dengan kehadiran merek di ranah sosial. Data tersebut dapat membantu Anda mendistribusikan konten yang relevan, perencanaan berbasis lokasi, dan mengukur kemampuan merek dalam meningkatkan kesadaran di pasar yang lebih spesifik seperti sekarang ini.
Bandingkan potensi impression dan reach
Guna mengukur tingkat kesadaran konsumen, share of voice biasanya mengukur penyebutan merek dari total tweets. Namun, persentase share of voice tidak menjelaskan berapa banyak pengguna unik yang membahas merek, atau berapa banyak pengikut yang mereka miliki.
Itu sebabnya membandingkan impression (impresi) dan reach (jangkauan) potensial juga sama pentingnya. Impresi  dapat memberitahu Anda berapa kali para pengguna yang menyebutkan merek Anda.
Mengukur share of voice dari properti online
Segmentasi tweets link ke situs Anda dan situs pesaing dapat memungkinkan Anda mengukur share of voice untuk mengarahkan lalu lintas ke situs web anda. Share of voice untuk properti online dapat berfungsi sebagai indikator kinerja untuk mengetahui seberapa menarik konten situs Anda untuk di-share oleh pengunjung situs, dan seberapa baik akun media sosial dan upaya pemasaran yang telah terintegrasi dengan situs Anda.
Melacak penggunaan tagar.
Banyak merek yang menggunakan tagar. Mereka menggunakannya secara rutin dalam konteks tema-tema percakapan yang spesifik. Membandingkan share of voice dengan penggunaan tagar mencerminkan kemampuan merek dalam mendorong orang lain untuk membicarakan merek.
Teknik ini juga sangat efektif untuk mengukur share of voice yang dorong oleh tagar dalam iklan TV
Mengidentifikasi overlap percakapan terhadap pesaing
Persentase overlap dalam percakapan terhadap pesaing dapat mengukur seberapa sering merek Anda disebutkan dalam tweets yang juga menyebutkan pesaing. Overlap conversation dapat menunjukkan loyalitas merek atau diskusi sebuah produk yang unik, sementara tingkat perbandingan sinyal overlap biasanya terlihat di antara merek yang sangat kompetitif.

Kamis, 13 Juni 2013

Pasar Karbonasi Melorot, Jus Bersinar

Nielsen-Media Updates 2012
Jika sepuluh tahun lalu belanja iklan di Tanah Air didominasi oleh produk toeletris, kini produk makanan dan minuman-lah yang mendominasi. Data Nielsen periode Januari-Oktober 2012 menunjukkan bahwa Mie Sedaap menempati posisi pembelanja iklan tertinggi dengan nilai Rp 449,1 miliar. Sementara pada tahun 2002, posisi itu ditempati oleh sampo Sunsilk dengan nilai Rp 146,2 miliar.

Yang menarik dicermati lagi adalah kategori minuman. Sepuluh tahun lalu, produk isotonic menempati posisi tertinggi. Tahun 2002 misalnya, dikuasai oleh Extra Joss dengan nilai Rp 76,1 miliar. Tahun 2012, belanja iklan kategori minuman justru didominasi oleh produk kopi. Istimewanya, pembelanja iklan tertingginya adalah merek kopi anyar, Top Coffee.
Kategori RTD (ready to drink) tea, jauh lebih menarik. Mengapa? Sebab, dalam dua tahun terakhir, sang penantang sekaligus pendatang baru, Teh Pucuk Harum, terang-terangan menantang merek incumbent, Teh Sosro. Dalam dua tahun terakhir, belanja iklan Sosro tersalip Pucuk Harum. Tahun 2011 misalnya, Sosro hanya mampu Rp 49,9 miliar, sedangkan Pucuk Harum menembus Rp 94,5 miliar. Tahun 2012, persaingan lebih sengit lagi. Jika Sosro hanya mentok di angka Rp 129, 2 miliar, maka Pucuk Harum dari Mayora Group mampu menggelontorkan Rp 131,8 miliar.

Sedikit mengenaskan justru kategori soft drink. Penetrasi pasarnya dari tahun ke tahun merosot tajam. Jika tahun 2009, penetrasi pasar soft drink berjaya, yakni mampu bertumbuh  76,7 persen, maka tahun 2010 pertumbuhannya  hanya tinggal 6 persen. Tahun 2011, pertumbuhannya  melorot kembali menjadi 3 persen. Tahun 2012, justru penetrasinya minus 5 persen.

Di kategori soft drink, challenger brand justru menjadi rising star. Tengok saja, belanja iklan di 2012 kemarin. Untuk kategori karbonasi atau soft drink, belanja iklan Big Cola menempati posisi ketiga, Rp 74 miliar. Sementara posisi satu dan dua diduduki incumbent  Coca Cola Rp 199,2 miliat dan Sprite Rp 82 miliar. Di posisi keempat ada Fanta, dari Coca Cola Group, dengan belanja iklan Rp 44,7 miliar. Adapun posisi kelima, ada Tebs dari Sosro Group, Rp 12,3 miliar.

Berbanding terbalik dengan soft drink, kategori minuman jus siap saji (RTD Juice), justru tampak bersinar dalam dua tahun terakhir. Jika tahun 2010 penetrasinya sempat minus 14 persen, maka tahun 2011 dan 2012 penetrasinya tumbuh 25 persen dan 16 persen. Kelima pembelanja tertinggi adalah Minute Maid Rp 117 miliar, Buavita Selection  Rp 108,1 miliar, Ale-Ale Rp 90 miliar, Buavita Rp 81 miliar, dan Nutrisari Rp 74,1 miliar.

sumber: mix

Selasa, 11 Juni 2013

KEDUTAAN BESAR JEPANG MEMBUTUHKAN SEGERA : Staf Konsul bagian Konsulat (staf lokal) Kedutaan Besar Jepang

Kedutaan Besar Jepang saat ini membuka lowongan kerja untuk staf Konsuldi Bagian Konsulat yang dapat mulai bekerja pada hari Senin, tanggal 29 Juli 2013.

1. Tugas
  (1) Tugas yang berhubungan dengan konsulat
  (2) Dan Lain-lain (termasuk hal yang ditugaskan oleh atasan)
2. Jumlah yang dibutuhkan  
  Satu (1) orang.
3. Persyaratan:  
  (1) WNI
  (2) Pendidikan Minimal S-1 Semua Jurusan
  (3) Menguasai bahasa Inggris (Score TOEFL lebih dari 500)
  (4) Menguasai komputer (Word, Excel, Power Point)
  (5) Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani
4. Lain-lain  
  Jam Kerja : Senin - Jumat, pukul 08.15-16.15 (bersedia lembur bila diperlukan)
Gaji          : akan ditentukan sesuai dengan pengalaman kerja sebelumnya
5. Dokumen lamaran terdiri dari:  
  (1) Riwayat Hidup (1 lembar)
  (2) Foto berwarna ukuran 3x4 cm (2 buah)
  (3) Fotokopi ijasah terakhir, transkrip nilai, dan KTP
  (4) Fotokopi nilai TOEFL, IELTS dll. yang dapat membuktikan kemampuan bahasa Inggris
  Seluruh dokumen dapat dikirimkan atau diantar selambat-lambatnya pada tanggal 5 Juli 2013. Cantumkan kode“Consul-0705”pada kiri atas amplop(Apabila melalui pos, batas akhir pengirimannya tetap tanggal tersebut (Cap Pos)) ke alamat berikut ini:

Kedutaan Besar Jepang
Bagian Konsulat
Jl. M. H. Thamrin No.24
Jakarta 10350

Bagi pelamar yang lulus seleksi dokumen lamaran, akan diberitahukan hari dan waktu untuk tes wawancara sebelum tanggal 9 Juli 2013 pukul 16:00. Semua dokumen lamaran yang telah kami terima tidak akan dikembalikan.

Jika ada pertanyaan, silakan menghubungi Mr. Nagashi Machii, Bagian Konsulat, Kedutaan Besar Jepang di Indonesia (Tel : 021-3192 4308)

Easy Tips to Identify and Reach Underserved Markets with Business Research

A marketplace is full of people belonging to different age groups, ethnicities, belief systems, demand patterns, economical backgrounds and gender. Their demands and requirements may not match with the products that you want to sell. In order to match with the exact demand pattern in your niche market, you must have complete understanding of the marketplace. You can easily understand the market with help of through marketing analysis.
Business analysis has become a popular trend amongst small and large business owners, aiming to become successful in their field. While many market conditions and problems are exposed quite easily, a few areas in the market remain undiscovered despite various tools and strategies of market study. Underserved sections of the market can provide great business opportunities. Hence, a business owner needs to find the best way to serve the demands of the underserved portions of his target market.
Tips to Reach Underserved Markets
Creating a specialized ad network and then conducting targeted market research are the two basic steps that help you get familiar with the unexposed areas of your target market. You can make use of your website and seek help from various social networking sites and web portals that help you connect with the customers. Ad networks are one of the most effective tools, when it comes to create awareness and brand recognition amongst target customers and niche market.
When it comes to the practices like online brand recognition and building an ad network, make sure you are targeting the right websites. Always target the websites that your potential customers are likely to visit. For instance, if you are launching a cosmetic line or products related to women, advertize it on websites related to fashion, beauty and themes close to cosmetics. That way, you create maximum chances of being noticed by your potential buyers.
Always consider factors like religion, ethnicities, social behaviors and beliefs, interests and buying trends of the market. Many market research companies prefer concentrating on the basic demographics such as age, gender and occupation and forget the rest. This could be a harmful practice, which provides limited information about the customers and your potential target market. Apart from using already available websites and ad networks, you should also think of creating your own ad network.
Many large businesses prefer building their own and customized ad network to promote their new businesses and recalls. Successful identification of your target customers and underserved parts of the markets requires dedicated efforts and time. With help of both these things and successful use of available resources, you can easily identify your potential customers and many exciting business opportunities.
About MarketsandMarkets
MarketsandMarkets is a global market research and consulting company based in the U.S. We publish strategically analyzed market research reports and serve as a business intelligence partner to Fortune 500 companies across the world.
noted from : 
Mr. Rohan
North – Dominion Plaza,
17304 Preston Road,
Suite 800, Dallas, TX 75252
Tel: +1-888-6006-441

Minggu, 09 Juni 2013

Facebook for Android: 10 Tips for Power Users

Facebook is a lot like crystal meth — it's highly addictive and will probably cause your teeth to fall out.* Android users are always one tap away from a snarky status update or a friend's vacation pics.
 Facebook's Android app has come a long way from its humble beginnings. The most recent iterations are packed with features, from personal settings to page management to power sharing.
Here are a few tricks we use to keep up with Facebook pals on the go.
*Not clinically proven.

1. Sort your News Feed by "Most Recent"

Facebook for Android
If you don't trust an algorithm to sort your updates for you, use this feature to arrange things chronologically. The setting is not apparent — likely by design. Find it by tapping the three bars on the top-left to bring up the menu. Then tap the gear to the right of "News Feed." This will let you toggle between "Top Stories" and "Most Recent."
The feature occasionally resets itself to "Top Stories," so if your feed gets messy again, check here for a reset.

2. Quick Post Widget

Facebook for Android
Facebook's Android app has a home screen widget that lets you quickly share a status update, photo or location check-in without launching the full feed. Add it by long-pressing an empty space on your background.

3. Edit Favorites

Facebook for Android
The left-hand menu probably highlights a few options you have no use for ("Discover Places?" No thanks.). Optimize this real estate by starring your favorite features, feeds, groups, pages and apps. Ditch the ones you don't need.
Facebook for Android
Organize the starred items by dragging the right-side handles up and down.

4. See the last time your friends logged in on mobile.

Facebook for Android
Admittedly, this feature is rather creepy, and it's available on both Android and iOS versions of Facebook's app. Log in to chat by tapping the icon in the top-right corner. Your list of friends will appear, along with the minutes since they last accessed Facebook mobile — whether they're logged into chat or not.

That's right; your stalkers will know — to the minute — the last time you checked Facebook on your phone.
Facebook for Android
Facebook hides the option to log out of chat after you've activated it (sigh), so you'll have to go into the app's settings and turn it off if you don't want people messaging you.

5. Manage Notifications

Facebook for Android
Notification settings are surprisingly granular in Facebook's app. In the left-hand menu, go to Account > App Settings and find Notification Settings. From there, you can uncheck less important activity. Uncheck Notifications completely if you do not want to receive push messages from Facebook. Turning off notifications will improve your phone's battery life.

6. Share to Facebook from any context.

Facebook for Android
One of the best Android features is the ability to share almost any item directly to an installed app. This certainly holds true for Facebook.
Tap the share function on a photo, video or link and select Facebook from the pop-up menu. You'll be taken directly into the app, where you can write your epic caption.
Facebook for Android
You can do the same within other apps. Here, I'm sharing a link from a Reddit app to Facebook mobile via the context menu.

7. Access app settings from (almost) anywhere.

Facebook for Android
You don't have to sidle over to the left-hand menu every time you want to change a setting in Facebook's Android app. The bar with three vertical dots at the bottom of most screens is an easy access point for the settings menu.

8. Promote your page's posts directly from mobile.

Facebook for Android
If you're managing a brand page from your phone, you might notice the option to "Boost This Post" below the content you're sharing. Tapping this link lets you pay for increased visibility. A menu will show you a few pro-rated prices and the estimated reach you can buy. Pop in your credit card and promote away, without leaving the comfort of your phone.

9. Improve performance.

Facebook for Android
Like all software, Android apps can accrue junk in their data caches. If left unchecked, Facebook's cache can bog it down.
Go to your phone's Settings > Apps > Facebook and clear it out every few days. This should make the app feel "lighter" when running. Don't confuse "Clear Cache" with "Clear Data." The latter will erase your username, password and settings from the app. If you accidentally tap it, you'll have to re-enter them.
Facebook for Android
If you use many apps simultaneously and switch between them, it's never a bad idea to kill them outright for better performance. If you find Facebook (or your phone, in general) is getting sluggish, select the often-used apps from that menu and "Force Stop" them. They will boot fresh for you next time.

10. Get a faster Facebook.

Facebook for Android
Ultimately, if Facebook's official offering is too slow for your taste (and let's face it, it is), there's a free Android app called Fast for Facebook, which does exactly what you think.
It will connect to your Facebook account (no login/password required) and provide a stripped down (if ugly) version of your feed that's lightning fast. An app by the same developer called Fast Home Widgets for Facebook lets you drop the feed right on your home screen.
The apps are sorely lacking in the UI department. For example, if someone writes on a friend's Timeline, it appears in your feed as a regular status update, confusing the context. Images and link thumbnails get pretty funky as well. But if you're looking for the most efficient, lightweight way to access Facebook from Android, these apps are a good bet.
Images by Mashable; Mashable composite, logo courtesy of Facebook.

By Matt Silverman

Jumat, 07 Juni 2013

3 Ways Social Video Marketing Can Help You

These are exciting times to be in Internet marketing! As the Internet grows and matures as a medium, marketers are seeing new opportunities everywhere. People keep finding new ways to connect with each other and share information, which means we’ve got great new opportunities to connect with those people as well.

Social video marketing is a great example of this. Just a few years ago, “social video” meant a bunch of folks in an office huddled around a YouTube video as it paused to buffer every twenty seconds. Today, more than four billion videos are watched on YouTube every day, with literally millions making the rounds of social media every hour.
3 Ways Social Video Marketing Can Help You image Social video marketing2
That’s a lot of messages being seen, and if you embrace social video marketing, your messages can be among them!

Three Great Reasons To Get Into Social Video Marketing

I. Be Seen By More People, For Less Money
Let’s talk reach. After all, having social videos isn’t that much different from having a TV ad, right? Well, we’ll talk more about the differences as we go along, but cost is one of the biggest differences. The CPM of an ad – Cost Per Impression – is one of the most important things to consider, budget-wise.
Hard numbers on the CPM of a lot of social media are difficult to find, but we have found some interesting findings. Even on the low end of the scale, if you don’t have many social media followers already, the CPM on social video marketing is roughly $10-$15 per, which is comparable to radio. If you have thousands of fans already, this number can drop to only a dollar or two per impression.
When you compare that to the $20-$30 CPM of television ads, it’s clear that social video offers a much better price point.

II. Make a Better Branding Message
Now let’s talk depth. Compared to “flat” mediums like text or radio, video is a much more efficient package for putting a message together, especially if you want to have a mix of factual and emotional appeal. The combination of visuals, audio, and text give you many more options in presenting your message to the public.
The key is to ensure the message is still relevant to your views in some way. It cannot be a pure pitch; the video needs to have some element that they directly respond to. This could be information, or funny stories, or even just some videos of kittens. The Internet still loves cats.
Pairing your brand with a video that people honestly find interesting on its own merits is one of the most direct ways of getting your brand in front of them. Remember: the Internet makes it much easier to not watch content the user doesn’t want to see, so even more than TV, your videos need to constantly keep the viewer interested.

III. Interactive Videos Build Engagement
And now, let’s talk reinforcement. The other big difference between social video marketing and other video formats is that online videos can be interactive. We said above that keeping people interested was a key to successful social video marketing. Clickable video is that key.
A clickable video increase on-site time, and greatly extends the number of people who watch through to the end of your video. It’s pretty simple stuff, really. The Internet keeps peoples’ clicking-fingers itchy, so you give them things to click on of your own. You can send them to your website, open up virtual catalogs, encourage them to share your video, and more!
So, social video marketing offers a significantly better value, while giving you far more effective ways of reaching out to people. With the right combination of information, humor, and interactive elements, you can make great social marketing videos that spread at the speed of the Internet.

Selasa, 04 Juni 2013

Why Should Marketers Care About Mobile Marketing?

This was the simple question posed at the recent CMO Exchange Conference in Miami, Florida. Just 20 years ago, CMOs were just getting adept at computers and the internet, online shopping was a new concept, and social media, digital media, podcasts, and mobile marketing weren’t even on anybody’s radar. Most CMOs were focused on the next big advertising campaign and worrying about just a few channels to place their media on.  Those days are gone and a technological revolution has heralded in a host of vehicles that CMOs are trying to quickly get up to speed on.
To figure out why CMOs and marketers should start caring about mobile marketing, I went to the source – Greg Stuart is the CEO of the Mobile Marketing Associationand is recognized as a thought leader in the digital media world.  I posed two basic questions to Greg during an interview: 1) why should marketers care about mobile, and 2) how can they get started?  What follows are key notes from the interview and my guess is, if you haven’t started testing mobile, this may make you consider doing so.
  1. Mobile is arguably the closest you can get to the consumer.  There is no other device that is as personal (everybody has their own phone), as pervasive (is with you all of the time), and provides the opportunity for proximity. As marketers seek to understand – and leverage – a consumer’s path to purchase, mobile devices have the potential to be a tremendous enabler.  The power (in the future) to determine that a target consumer is driving in the proximity of your restaurant and then feed them an immediate message or coupon is unprecedented. In a 2011 study, Americans spent 2.7 hours per day socializing on their mobile phones – more than twice the time they spent eating. 75% of the globe now has a mobile phone offering access to developed markets as well as emerging regions. Mobile will truly enable marketers to connect at the right time, in the right place, with the right individual.
  2. The “Physics of Media” indicate that the new channel has the biggest advantage.  In a prior study that Greg completed, he analyzed the media mix for thirty iconic marketers. The results indicated that the single greatest contributor to marketing performance (ignoring creative) was: 1) aligning the media mix for today’s consumer’s media habits, and 2) being the innovator / early adopter of new media. It’s fairly simple. In a world of diminishing returns, the brand that invests early in understanding the new channel reaps disproportionate advantages. An example mentioned was the Ford F150 relaunch campaign from nearly a decade ago.  Greg evaluated the contribution of each media channel and found that online delivered 10x the value of TV in driving purchase consideration.  When Ford increased their online budget from 2% to 6%, they sold an incremental $1.4 billion in trucks.
Recently, the MMA released the “Mobile X% Solution” to determine the optimal balance of mobile in the marketing mix to achieve higher return on investment (ROI). Based on a sophisticated ROI analysis of mobile, the optimized level of spend in mobile advertising for U.S. marketers is seven percent, on average (of course, individual companies will vary). And to further highlight the potential and power of mobile, the MMA has issued ‘’ (Smart Mobile Cross Marketing Effectiveness) to measure the economic value of investing in mobile channels compared to traditional marketing channels.
The point is that mobile potentially offers disproportionate results for those who are early to adopt and leverage the power of the new technology.
  1. Mobile – right now – is a great deal!  Right now, mobile is a great deal for marketers as supply is much greater than demand.  Jumping in early, when the costs to test are so low, is the right time to engage in mobile. As marketers, we are supposed to “go where the consumers are and get there first” and consumers are looking to their mobile device for shopping, searching, entertainment, socializing and brand interaction. Often, the challenge is resourcing to manage the program; however, from a testing perspective, now is the time to engage.
  1. Measurement / ROI:  As is true of most new technologies, it is currently difficult to measure mobile. However, there are many companies and organizations working hard to resolve this.  It isn’t impossible but it is challenging. The MMA is set to provide research on the economic value of mobile (See to help structure the discussion on mobile’s effectiveness as a channel and, ideally, increase advertising spend in mobile on a global level.
  2. Overwhelmed with other technologies: Greg indicated that the degree of change that CMO’s are facing has made it difficult for them to keep up. In many cases, the organizational design is archaic and antiquated and isn’t equipped to be able to absorb these activities.  That’s why the first priority is for the CMO to figure out how structure and resource the department to be able to leverage mobile and other opportunities. The MMA calls it being “brand ready” for mobile and it requires the C-suite to understand the complexities of mobile and not try to retrofit a structure reserved for other forms of media. Mobile is unique and requires its own framework, strategy and resources.
  1. Apply an innovation-centered approach to the budgeting process: Good companies always make sure they are investing some money (roughly 10%) in unproven yet potentially powerful areas.  Marketers must do the same.  There isn’t an expectation of a short-term return but rather the opportunity to identify a mobile program, from apps to mobile wallets or even messaging, that will help ignite future business. This has to be a priority. If every dollar must pay-out today, than you can’t do the testing that will lead to tomorrow’s home runs.
  2. Supplement your expertise: This simply requires the right resources. It doesn’t necessarily mean hiring new people or outsourcing it, but it does mean making sure somebody is up-to-speed on new technologies and leading the charge to embrace innovation. The Mobile Marketing Association is a great place to get started as they have one mission, which is to provide education regarding mobile and how best to leverage the channel.
  3. Test and learn + clear action steps: Greg mentioned the importance of a six sigma approach to getting started.  You can’t expect to have a positive ROI program out of the gates. It has to be ok to be wrong in the beginning. However, there needs to be a clear plan of what will be tested, how it will be measured, and the subsequent action steps.  Consistently applying a test, learn, improve model will ensure the program gets smarter.
Phones aren’t going away.  In fact, a recent headline indicated: “Mobile to overtake fixed internet access by 2014”.  It’s clear that the ability for leading marketers to tap into one of the most important and heavily used devices should yield tremendous dividends. While I suspect that most CMOs recognize the opportunity, the challenge comes down to time, resources, and priorities.  Hopefully Greg’s insight has provided enough motivation to overcome these challenges!

noted from : forbes